Lemons are perfect for so many cleaning tasks. As well as smelling fresh, the acid in them helps remove dirt, rust and grease.
Try chopping a lemon in half and rubbing the cut side over your chopping boards. Rinse them after a few minutes to leave them fresh and clean.
Fill a small bowl with water and lemon slices, pop in your microwave and heat on high for five minutes. The fresh steam will make it easy to clean away any grease and food smells and residue.
shop our White Porcelein Lemon Squeezer
shop our Mango Wood Chopping Board

Bicarbonate of soda has so many uses, it will clean almost anything, and its cheap too. Mixed with a little water to a paste it makes a brilliant cleaner - try it on the inside of tea stained cups or teaspoons - its amazing. A small bowl of it placed in the fridge will remove odours, too.
Its also great for freshening mattresses - just sprinkle it on, leave for at least an hour, then vacuum to reveal a clean and fresh mattress.
Shop our Set of 4 measuring spoons
Shop our Enamel Pie Dishes

A tip which will save you storage space, and makes life so much easier is to store each set of bedding inside one of the pillowcases from that set. You’ll never have to go looking for matching pillowcases or the right size sheets again!

As well as your plates, there are so many other things you can clean in the dishwasher. Because of the hot temeparature they can reach, they are perfect for cleaning bath toys, fridge shelves and drawers, microwave plates and I always throw my cotton cleaning cloths in too. Obviously don’t put in any delicate items or anything which might melt!
Shop our Tilmo Dish Rack
Shop our Enamel Colander

Clean the dust and cobwebs from high and hard to reach places with a long handled feather duster without having to climb on chairs or reach up and work too hard. Perfect for picture rails, shelves, above doors and ceilings they are also great for cleaning blinds and shutters.